Dialogic Consulting is currently working with…
Since launching in March 2020, Dialogic has been privileged to work with the inspiring teams at…
American Heritage Center
Austin Revitalization Authority
Betsy Ross House
Billings Farm & Museum
Center for Astrophysics Harvard & Smithsonian
Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts
Cooperstown Graduate Program
Corning Museum of Glass
Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site
Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection
Franklin and Marshall College
Gilcrease Museum
Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Historic Cherry Hill
Historic Philadelphia
History Leadership Institute/AASLH
Illinois State Museum
John Brown Lives!
Litchfield Historical Society
Michigan History Center
Naper Settlement
National Park Service
National Public Housing Museum
NAS Wildwood Aviation Museum
Night Kitchen Interactive
North Carolina Museum of History
Olana State Historic Site
Parks Canada
Philbrook Museum of Art
Preservation Long Island
Raynham Hall Museum
Roebling Museum
Sagamore Hill National Historic Site
Sing Sing Prison Museum
Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center
Smithsonian SITES
Steeplechase Films/Ric Burns
Turnstile Studio
University of Denver
University of Pennsylvania
Wall Street Theater
Winterthur/University of Delaware
Wisconsin Historical Society